Thursday, March 16, 2017

March Health Goals Update

Here is my health goals update.  I promise I'll think of better blog titles going forward.  Well, friends, life has happened.  I've realized I need something visual to keep track of my goals.  I'm working on creating a chart so I can mark when I meet a goal.  I'm a visual person so a chart will work wonderfully and it'll also relieve me of having to mentally keep track. My water needs to be upped a bit but it's not horrible.  My water bottle at work holds 24 ounces.  If I want to meet my goal, I need to finish at least two and a half water bottles.  Finishing 3 water bottles would be fantastic but I'm not there yet.  Right now, I usually finish 2 water bottles.  I'm not walking hardly at all.  I need to start walking on my lunch hour.  I think it might be the only way I can fit walking into my day.  Previously I was walking while Steve gave the kids a bath or after supper but that doesn't seem to be working now.  I don't walk after the kids are in bed because I'm usually pretty tired and am getting things prepped for the next day.  I'm doing pretty well with March's goal of eating fruit with breakfast.  I missed a few days but have met the goal more days than I missed.  I'm counting that as a win.  Also a small health move I made was to give up candy for Lent.  I did slip up last weekend when I bought a candy bar on my way to West Des Moines.  However, by the time I remembered, I was back in the car and on the road.  I ate the candy bar anyway but have not any candy since.

I'm hopeful I can improve my walking and stick to my goals a little better going forward.  I knew the physical fitness goals would be the hardest to implement.  If you have any health goals, I'd love to hear about them so we can cheer each other on.

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