Friday, April 13, 2012

Eating for Two, Cooking for None

The secret is finally out.  I'm 12 weeks pregnant.  The first trimester has not been bad, only slight nausea.  Fortunately I did not inherit the crippling morning sickness that my older sister, my mom and my grandma all seem to experience.  I seemed to have inherited my Aunt Colleen's and Aunt Patty's version of morning sickness which is very mild.  However, I have been extremely tired.  This has led to me being completely wiped out from work by the time I get home.  Fixing supper is just not going to happen, especially if it's a long recipe. Fortunately for me, Steve is a good cook and has taken over in the kitchen.  I still help with making the menu and the grocery shopping.  As my first trimester is coming to an end, I do feel some of my energy returning and am looking forward to being back in the kitchen.


  1. I'm excited to be a "grandma" again! You'll get your legs under you again in the kitchen...especially when you begin to crave things!

  2. It was good to see you again at the clinic yesterday Theresa! Thanks for taking me upstairs. It made me miss the clinic even more now. However it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces again. I am so happy for you and your family. A baby is a marvelous gift from God. Sounds like your husband is a great husband and helps in the kitchen!! Hugs for you Theresa!

  3. Thanks ladies! I'm lucky to have Steve!
