Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thank you Great Grandma

At work we have a grill-out the first Friday of every month.  Employee Committee supplies the burgers and hot dogs and employees are supposed to bring something to share.  I usually participate because it's fun.  This week has been a little weird though.  I've gotten some new assignments at work and trying to learn them has left my brain a little tired.  I forgot about the grill-out until Thursday night at 9:20pm when I was thinking about getting ready for bed.  Steve also informed me that we don't have any eggs.  Wacky cake! I can make wacky cake! I thought.  Wacky Cake does not use eggs or milk.  I knew it would probably be in my family cookbook.  As many of you know, I have my great grandma's copy of the family cookbook.  She totally saved my butt Thursday night.  I flipped to the index and saw Wacky Cake p 56 in her beautiful handwriting.  (Side note, why don't schools teach us to write that way anymore?  It's so pretty!)  The recipe was not in the cookbook but she had added it to her notes section.  I never realized that Wacky Cake called for a teaspoon of red food coloring.  I only added 1/2 teaspoon because it seemed to be enough.  Wacky Cake doesn't have a specific frosting recipe.  It simply calls for chocolate frosting.  I decided to use the Texas Sheet Cake frosting recipe.  Steve agreed to make it.  Everything was fine until I realized we didn't have any powdered sugar.  I had to send Steve to HyVee to get powdered sugar.  I was really trying to avoid that.  I didn't go because the cake was already in the oven.  Steve came back with powdered sugar and finished the frosting.  The recipe says to frost while cake is warm.  We took that at face value and poured the frosting on right after the cake came out of the oven.  I do know better than that but it was almost 10:30 and we were exhausted.  The cake was a hit at the grill-out.  Thank you Great Grandma!


  1. I wonder, does it resemble red velvet cake, Theresa? I avoid making that because I have a problem with anything that needs an entire bottle of food coloring! :)
    Did I ever get those recipes to you that you asked for? I know I had all of them out, but don't remember if I ever sent them to you. *red face* If not, remind me again which ones you needed and I'll do it today. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, you have Grandma's copy of the cookbook?? I didn't know that. I'm hardcore jealous. Mom and I were literally talking last night about Grandma's awesome minimalist way of cooking. I miss her. And her handwriting. baha

  3. Nancy, I'm not sure! I can't remember which recipes I asked for. Let's call it even since we both forgot. Darce, Grandma gave me Great Grandma's copy when I told her I lost mine. I promised her I wouldn't lose this one! I miss her too. If you notice, the recipe doesn't have an oven temp or baking time so I just winged it!

  4. Nancy, the cake had a slight red tint to it. I bet if you added the full teaspoon the recipe calls for it might resemble red velvet cake. Give it a shot! And then let me know how it turns out.
