I've begun Operation Declutter. Operation Declutter won't have me dashing around the house like a mad woman trying to declutter everything. Rather I will be finding places for our items (other than wherever we put them down that moment) and getting rid of items we don't need. A few examples from Operation Declutter:
1. My knitting, crocheting and quilting small supplies will go in a small plastic tub in the closet.
2. My Scentsy pot and the wax will be sold. My house is too big and too open for a Scentsy pot. I'm also afraid The Fuzz will try to eat the wax or knock it over. Ditto the knocking it over fear with Katherine when she begins crawling.
3. The mandolin we bought over 2 years ago and have used exactly once and never in this house will find a new home as well.
4. A file will be made for the EOBs that we are still getting from Katherine's hospital stay and doctor appointments. This file will not be specific only to her EOBs. All of the family EOBs will go here. To quote Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
5. My closet will once again be sorted through. Clothing that I won't wear again will find a home at Goodwill or the domestic abuse shelter. Maternity clothing will be packed away. And clothing that currently fits will find a place in my closest.
6. Shelves will get baskets to corral random items.
Operation Declutter will be a lifelong pursuit. I don't expect my house to be perfect. I don't want my house to be perfect. However I would like to stop working around things that we don't use and don't have any intention of using in the near future. I would also like to be able to find things I'm looking for. Wish me luck!